

*Nancy and seller must agree on price and timing. † Based on Bright MLS 2020

Nancy Kowalik Real Estate Group is an award-winning boutique real estate brokerage specializing in all facets of Southern New Jersey’s robust residential real estate market. Founded in 2016, the firm has quickly become one of the state’s leading independent brokerages, known for its home sale guarantee. Based on a pre-determined, agreed-upon price and timeframe, founder and president Nancy Kowalik guarantees the sale of her client’s home with the promise that the firm will purchase the property if it is not sold. Kowalik’s office culture focuses on teamwork and philanthropy. With 12 full-time agents working as a team, the firm promises 5-star service. Under Kowalik’s lead the group has given over $80,000 to a local non-profit since 2017 and has been an ongoing supporter of local High School and intramural sports programs.

Real Estate with Alexandria. She’s an optimistic perfectionist who loves Health and Wellness! Read more about what makes Alexandra Pietras who she is.

Real Estate with Alexandria

Q&A with Alexandria Pietras , Realtor® Associate

Q: Professional Insights:
A: (Tell us about your position at NKREG and what you like most about your position) I am a salesperson on the NKRE team. I like the fact I get to meet new people from all different walks of life and I get to help them decide where they wanna spend a portion of their life. It’s exciting. People are exciting!

Q: 3 Words that describe you:

A: 1. Optimistic. A positive attitude will take you leaps and bounds .. no shade to the negative people we need them too but I believe speaking life is a powerful thing.
2. Perfectionist. I like things done RIGHT. 100%. Excellence breeds excellence.
3. Humorist. I’m not too serious about things. It does backfire sometimes but .. laughter is good medicine.


Q: Things that make you smile:

A: 1. The Sun.
2. Good Coffee.
3. Running in nature.
4. Learning new things.
5. My boyfriend Austin.


Q: If you could be on the cover of any magazine, which one and what would the headline read?

A: I would be on the cover of Natural Awakenings lol. & the cover would read “Health is Wealth” and in smaller font “WakeUpWithTheSun”. It would continue into a centerfold interview with me and my natural approach to holistic living and natural health.


Q: Fairly useless but unique skill or trick?

A: I can drive at high speeds with no hands.


Q: Most interesting and fairly useless fact you’ve heard about anything?

A: Cats will never be fully domesticated.


Q: Goofy and guilty pleasure of yours?
A: A really nice vintage wine.


Q: Favorite quote? Why?

A: “It is what it is.” It’s like keep it moving .. it is what it is 🙂


Q: Favorite food? Why?

A: How is this a real question?
Top 3:
Cheese Burger.


Q: Favorite book? Why?

A: My Bible. I only usually read informational books on or about health & wellness, which I have a couple recommends, but my bible is a book I read everyday so that is my number 1.


Q: Favorite movie? Why?

A: Another question that shouldnt be a question. ( too many )
Top5 :
The Count of Monte Cristo
Django Unchained
To catch a Thief


Q: Future aspiration?

A: To be a Mom to a bunch of kids, live/own my wellness ranch where the focus is health. Whole health.

Real Estate With Alex

Real Estate With Alex

Real Estate With Alex

Real Estate With Alex

Real Estate With Alex

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