Our VIP Client Party is Quickly Approaching and It’s Going To Be Magical!
In typical Nancy Kowalik style, we’re celebrating the Holidays with our clients. If you were on Main Street Mullica Hill early last December, you’ll remember seeing lighted balloons and decorations at 46 N Main St. The VIP Client Holiday Party was a huge success!
We’re excited that this year’s party is going to held, but with Covid-19 Requirements. There will be a tent outside for dining. We will be limiting the number of indoor guest in our office building to comply with Covid-19 Restrictions. We will also ask that guests wear masks when they are in common areas and not eating or drinking.
Have You Checked Your Mailbox? The invitations are in the mail! All our clients, past, present and future have been invited. This is a VIP, invitation-only, red-carpet event and it is going to be very special.